
Smart Containers

Smart Bin

Solar Compacting Bins

Solar Compacting Bins image Solar Compacting Bins image
Robust Monitoring Function
  • Real-time monitoring of bin fill-level and bin status.
  • Notifies collection staff when waste collection is required.
  • Route optimziation for each collection.
  • High customizability of monitoring options.
Intelligent Data Analytics
  • Smart data for smart waste collection planning.
  • Comprehensive collection of historical data.
  • Data analytics reports to improve efficiency.
  • Generates collection schedules using predictive algorithms.
User-friendly User Interface
  • Easily accessed anywhere, anytime.
  • Mobile application (Android/iOS, cellular phone/tablet supported).
  • Web-based solution with no installations required.
Economic Benefits
  • Smart waste collection planning using real-time data to optimize resource allocation.
  • Lowers operational costs by up to 80%.
Environmental Benefits
  • Eliminates overflowing bins.
  • Reduces CO2 emissions when waste is collected using trucks.
Social Benefits
  • Improves public cleanliness/sanitation.
  • Contributes to vitalizing the green technology industry.
  • Increases recycling diversion rates.


Smart Waste Bin

Solar Compacting Bins image Solar Compacting Bins image
  • Bin-e is a system for smart waste management in your office.
  • It’s the only solution worldwide that combines automatic sorting, compression and an integrated platform for waste management.
  • Additional options: 50 screen, individual design, colorful inner bins, lock.
  • Automatic recognition system.
  • Automatic waste sorting (metal, plastic, glass, paper).
  • Fill level sensors.
  • Waste compression.
  • One year warranty and technical support.
  • Dedicated App based on loT Platform.
  • Communication with the user.
  • User interface language choice.
  • Notifications when bins are full.
  • Stainless steel casing in beige, grey or black color.


Eco Compactor for plastic & metal cans

Eco Compactor image Eco Compactor image
  • Patented Technology with over.
  • 15 years of experience.
  • Touch Screen (antivandalism) with Gorilla Glass.
  • Unlocking of the door through either bottle’s bar code or end user’s QR Code.
  • Integrated Wi Fi connection for remote control.
  • Interactive touchscreen with multilingual interface for the information management, videos & customized multimedia contents.
  • Large opening to accept all common plastic bottles.
  • Machine alarms warned by automatic E mail.
  • Compacting/Shredding unit made in high strength steel.
  • Stainless steel flap door to be easily used with one hand.
  • Multimedia content & firmware updating via USB.
  • Automatic sanitizing system for programmed cleaning "Full bag" Pre warning.
  • Simple & intuitive configuration interface with icon menu.
  • Pre arrangent for Cashless system installation.
  • Interface for a cashless connection.
  • Front lock with 3 point closing door.
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